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So far latestquality has created 271 blog entries.

PDCA Cycle of Continuous Improvement Explained

PDCA cycle is a potent tool for continuous improvement that is able to improve anything. It looks effortless, but it is an exceptionally powerful tool. The more you use this tool, the more improvement you will witness. So, PDCA stands merely for Plan, Do, Check, and Act. Some people refer PDCA as PDSA, and [...]

What Are the 7 Pillars of TPM Used in Lean

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a way of keeping and improving the reliability of manufacturing and quality systems by means of procedures, equipment, machines, and human resources that increase the value of business in an organization.  Basically this system emphasizes on maintaining the entire equipment’s in their best working condition to stay away from [...]

By |April 12th, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on What Are the 7 Pillars of TPM Used in Lean

Primary Purpose and Objectives of Auditing

Why do we need audits? Have you ever thought about the primary and secondary objectives of auditing? There is a common misconception that auditing is only required in case of large, more complex entities, however the cost/benefits of an internal audit function are just as important for small companies. What is Auditing Audit is [...]

How to Create an Effective Waste Walk Checklist

You ever feel like there is something wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it? Well, before you can fix the problem, you need to recognize it first. The longer you stay in that one place, the more you’ll struggle in seeing the problem, which we call “waste.” It is the waste around [...]

How To Get ISO 9001 Certification Within Your Business

How to get ISO 9001 certification? To put it in simple steps then following are the tasks to take, prepare your quality management system, select a certification body, apply for it, get an audit and ultimately acquire the certificate. It is not as stress-free as it sounds above as it only was an overview [...]

Visual Factory Techniques and How to Implement Them

The term “visual factory techniques” is a concept of lean manufacturing processes founded on visual information all over the working place of a business entity. It employs a coordination of communication tools for information sharing at the time and place it is considered necessary. Through visual controls it is probable to communicate without words [...]

Advantages of Balanced Scorecard within Your Business

Balanced Scorecard, a viable option and a solid strategic layout help you to go above and beyond your limits. In 1990s Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton came up with the idea of this strategic planning and management system to help the business owners to capture a broad and balanced view of the [...]

Standardized Work as a Lean Process Improvement

Standardized work is used as a tool for preserving quality, productivity and safety at high levels. It is described as work in which the order of job essentials has been planned efficiently that are followed by workers on constant basis. Standardized work is a procedure in which kaizen is the goal and we are [...]

SWOT Analysis for Restaurant and Hotel Business

Certainly, hotel industry is a huge sector that generates massive amount of revenue all around the world. Majority of people will agree that hotel industry acts as a considerable financial muscle in the economic development so one needs a clear business strategy to make that happen in a productive way. Before making an investment [...]

Manufacturing Changeover Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)

One of the essential elements of Lean involves a system of fast changeover. When the changeover time of equipment is quicker the downtime is less. One must consider that “Downtime” is the description of the eight deadly waste of a manufacturing setting. The basic tool to quick changeover system is known as single minute [...]

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