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The Basic Difference Between Scrum and Kanban and when to use them

difference between scrum and kanban

Kanban and Scrum are two terminologies mostly used alternatively for each other. But fact is that there are some very vital difference between scrum and kanban Agile development methodologies. Scrum is a tool widely used to shape work into smaller, manageable parts that can be accomplished by a professional team within an assigned time period. To design, organize, assess, and improve this procedure, Scrum depends on minimum three assigned roles:

  • The Product Owner is determines preliminary scheduling, prioritizing, and communication with the rest of the company.
  • The Scrum Master determines supervision of the process during each sprint.
  • Team Members determines to carry out the purpose of each sprint, such as producing software code.

A common tool widely used by scrum teams is the Scrum Board which is a visual representation of the work flow, broken down into manageable chunks called stories, with each story moved along the board from the backlog which is to-do list, into work-in-progress, and on to completion.

Difference Between Scrum and Kanban

Scrum Kanban
Duties Each member of team has a predefined role, where the Scrum master commands timelines, Product owner determines goals and objectives and team members execute the task. There are no pre-defined roles for a team. While there may still be a Project Manager, the team is invigorated to work together and chip in when any one person becomes overwhelmed.
Delivery Timelines Deliverables are determined by sprints, or set periods of time in which a set of work must be accomplished and ready for review. Products and processes are delivered constantly on need basis and timelines are determined by business
Prioritization and Delegation Also make use of a pull system nevertheless an entire batch is pulled for each iteration. Make use of a pull system, or a systematic workflow that permits team members to only pull new tasks once the previous task is complete.
Perceptibility of process Input and output only. Work is black-box Input, work, output
Adjustments / Alterations Changes during the sprint are severely discouraged. Permits for changes to be made to a project mid-stream, permitting for iterations and incessant improvement prior to the completion of a project.
Calculation of Productivity Calculates production using velocity through sprints. Each sprint is laid out concurrently so that each additional sprint depends on the success of the one before it. Calculates production using cycle time, or the total time it takes to complete one full piece of a project from start to end.
Value stream At team level for one product. Contains product management across products.
Best Applications Best for teams with stable priorities that may not alter as much over time. Best for projects with widely fluctuating priorities.
Change administration Must alter to Scrum model even if troublesome Controllable
Advantages Better transparency and project visibility
Better team accountability
More convenient to accommodate changes
Increased cost savings
Enhance flexibility
Decreases waste
More convenient understand
Develops delivery flow
Reduces cycle time
Disadvantages More risk of scope creep
Team needs experience and commitment
The wrong Scrum Master can spoil everything
Poorly defined tasks can result in inaccuracies
Out-of-date board can lead to issues
Teams can over complicate the board
Lack of timing
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