Lean Articles

Definition of the 7 Wastes of Lean

Practitioners of lean are in agreement on the 7 wastes of lean. Companies save lots of resources when improvement projects focused on these 7 wastes of lean are carried out. This in return, helps save money and time. The 7 waste of lean are; Transportation Inventory Motion Waiting Over-production Over-processing Defects These 7 wastes [...]

By |May 31st, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on Definition of the 7 Wastes of Lean

What Is the Difference of Takt Time vs Cycle Time

It’s a misconception that Takt time vs Cycle time are the same things. These are two different things and the difference should be clearly understood in a manufacturing and assembly environment. Cycle time is the time required to finish one unit. To better understand, Takt Time is a calculation used to understand customer demand. [...]

By |May 24th, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on What Is the Difference of Takt Time vs Cycle Time

Mass Customization Advantages and Disadvantages

Mass Customization Mass customization is considered to be the happy medium when the buyer wants you to make customized, made on order goods but you want to produce and sell the product at a minimum price to cope up with the mass manufacturing. In some cases, the buyers become really picky with their choices [...]

By |May 17th, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on Mass Customization Advantages and Disadvantages

Lean Supermarket Definition and Benefits

Lean supermarket is the strategy which can be executed as a conjunction between different stages while plotting value stream mapping. Indeed, if one wants to see lean concepts at work than shopping is one of the best places to view that. This is for the reason that a huge segment of the lean foundation [...]

By |May 10th, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on Lean Supermarket Definition and Benefits

What Are the Benefits of Empowering Employees

Employee Empowerment In the current era, “Employee empowerment” has turn into the new hot topic in organizational culture. Although it has been embraced by big multinational businesses, there are still lots of organizations that are new at it especially in the developing countries. Employee empowerment consists of many key elements and yes it can [...]

By |May 3rd, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on What Are the Benefits of Empowering Employees

How an Organisation Benefits of Cross Training at Work

Cross training simply means improving the employees with training them to do the different part of the organisation’s work. To further explain, we can say training an employee A to do the work of employee B and training the employee B to do the work of employee A. There are several advantages for the [...]

By |April 26th, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on How an Organisation Benefits of Cross Training at Work

ABC Analysis Steps for Inventory Management

What is ABC Analysis When we talk about ABC analysis steps in light of Inventory optimization in supply chain, it means a method of inventory categorization in which items are divided into three classes A, B and C. A indicates the most important items and C indicates the least important ones. Objective of ABC [...]

By |April 19th, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on ABC Analysis Steps for Inventory Management

What Are the 7 Pillars of TPM Used in Lean

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a way of keeping and improving the reliability of manufacturing and quality systems by means of procedures, equipment, machines, and human resources that increase the value of business in an organization.  Basically this system emphasizes on maintaining the entire equipment’s in their best working condition to stay away from [...]

By |April 12th, 2018|Lean Articles|Comments Off on What Are the 7 Pillars of TPM Used in Lean

How to Create an Effective Waste Walk Checklist

You ever feel like there is something wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it? Well, before you can fix the problem, you need to recognize it first. The longer you stay in that one place, the more you’ll struggle in seeing the problem, which we call “waste.” It is the waste around [...]

Visual Factory Techniques and How to Implement Them

The term “visual factory techniques” is a concept of lean manufacturing processes founded on visual information all over the working place of a business entity. It employs a coordination of communication tools for information sharing at the time and place it is considered necessary. Through visual controls it is probable to communicate without words [...]

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