Creating an Effective Supplier Scorecard
Today the world is a huge marketplace, the borders have blurred, and countries depend on each other for everyday products. China has made a name for itself as being the world’s largest exporter. Therefore global trading options are increasing each day. With growing demand, you need to have a [...]
Five Steps to Improve Quality within Your Organisation
The world of business is filled with quality programs and quality experts; however, for a lot of small and midsized businesses, an encompassing quality program with the aid of high level mathematics is definitely not one of the best steps to improve quality within the Organisation. So, how can [...]
Gap Analysis Checklist for ISO 9001 Certification Audit
What is an ISO 9001 gap analysis? One of the first steps in your Quality Management System (QMS) transition or implementation project is to compare your current QMS to the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. This is most commonly called a gap analysis. There are a few recommended [...]
What Is the Benefit of Cp and Cpk Values
The Cp and Cpk are well known capability indices commonly used to ensure that a process spread is as small as possible compared to the tolerance interval (Cp), or that it stays well within specifications (Cpk). Another type of capability index exists which is referred to as CPM. This [...]
How to Implement Supplier Vetting Effectively In Your Business
The professionals of supply chain management experience the task of facilitating a plausible and clear networking business setting very often, an environment which is free from dishonesty, fraud, corruption and nonconformity. According to experts a business entity should never risk the reliability and trustworthiness of their supply chain management [...]
PDCA Cycle of Continuous Improvement Explained
PDCA cycle is a potent tool for continuous improvement that is able to improve anything. It looks effortless, but it is an exceptionally powerful tool. The more you use this tool, the more improvement you will witness. So, PDCA stands merely for Plan, Do, Check, and Act. Some people [...]